Last year Nebula launched their skateboarding and tutoring program in Gugulethu, Cape Town. Starting in April, the Youth program now includes aspects of personal development. It’s a 4 month program which covers topics like discovering your personal history, leadership, emotional intelligence and self-expression – using skateboarding as a metaphor for life. After the first 4 months in Gugulethu, they will run the program in Valhalla Park and continue with weekly skate sessions and tutoring in both areas.
They are seeking volunteers and members for their board of directors. So if you feel that you want to get involved in any of these ways then contact them here –
Nebula’s 2014 Game of SK8 series will be starting in July. The dates and venues are as follows:
Round 1 – Gardens – 27 September
Round 2 – Westridge – 29 November
Finals – Valhalla Park – 13 December
If you’d like to sponsor some prizes or volunteer on the day, please contact –