Dew Tour – Stop 2 (UCT)

The second stop on the South African Dew Tour Bootcamp went down yesterday at UCT in Cape Town. Stop 3 is coming up at CPUT (Belville) on Monday, come and roll with the crew if you’re in the area.

Grant Mclachlan went along to UCT to shoot some photos for Session:

waiting for the demo
The crew getting ready to roll

A big crowd turned up on campus

alan fs 50
Alan Marola – Frontside grind

allan adams bs flip
Allan Adams – Backside flip

adam over flip
Adam Woolf – Forward flip

martin tuck knee
Martin Stoffberg – Tuck knee

shuaib tre flip
Shuaib Philander – 360 Flip

adam nollie lazer
Adam Woolf – Nollie Lazer flip

tooth kick flip
Wesley ‘Tooth’ Schroeder – Kickflip

tooth tre fakie
Tooth – 360 Flip to fakie

homies jamming skate3
Filmers Jono Kay and Andrew van der Walt jamming some SKATE 3

skate 3 winner
The SKATE 3 contest winner
See you at the next Dew Tour stop on Monday – CPUT (Belville Campus)

For more info check out the Mountain Dew SA Facebook page: